100 calorie snacks

CARBS are bae and snacks are essential. Don’t forget that fruits and veggies are in fact carbs! Besides my usual oats, brown rice, sweet potatoes and yams these are some of my go to snacks. Bananas are a great preworkout (26g carbs), carrots tie me over on the drive home, edamame has a ton of protein, and frozen grapes and …

Full Body High Intensity Workout to slay them calories

Did this workout in Vegas + some guy literally said I was making him tired ? Superset 1: 10 split squats (per leg) 50 bench hops 10 DB banded squats 100 reps skipping ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Superset 2: 10 deadlifts 10 burpees ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Superset 3: Max reps uneven push ups Max reps around the world push ups Superset 4: 20 russian twists …

100 Minute meal prep!

Cut my calories to 2500 for the first week of my cut. This 4 ½ day meal prep took 1h40m to do with bae chopping veggies for me ?. We could have been quicker but I really wanted cabbage…which simply meant I got ready to go to the movies while I waited for it to cook team always multitasking. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ …

2000 Calories- Food for a day

On average I eat between 2000-2400 calories a day. The amount of food depends on my training, activity levels and hunger levels. I don’t normally prep an exact amount of calories because I like to have some room to eat more, less or something else. M1: 40g oatmeal, 150g 2% yogurt, ¾ Tbsp. chia seeds, ¾ cup unsweetened almond milk, …

15 Snacks to Leave at Work

Ever forget your lunch or just get too busy at work that you didn’t have time to grab lunch like you planned. I deeply understand this. In the past it would result in me eating whatever was on the staff-room table which was rarely ever a good option…think random cookies, candy, Filipino sweet buns. While there’s nothing wrong with any …

Which is better for weight loss?

Screw perfection, sometimes you’re just trying to make the best possible choice at the time. It isn’t always about what is better but what is realistic. When hungry strikes and I’m out, I’d rather eat the protein/granola bar in my bag instead of grabbing something snacky and calorie dense. Sure, it would be great if I always planned ahead and …

“Help, I”m struggling to lose weight!”

With summer approaching I’ve been getting a lot of DMs from people struggling to lose weight. “I’m not losing weight even though i’m only eating X calories.” Some of these involve some incredibly extreme calories like 1000 or 1200 calories a day. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ In my experience, the reason most people don’t lose weight is because they aren’t actually in a …

Sugar vs. Sugar (Ice Tea vs. Coke)

What do you guys think about this? I went to Starbucks the other week because it was hot and I had no ice, or tea. Fail. I attempted to order my usual, “Venti Passion iced tea, unsweetened, ez ice”. But, alas, Starbucks has joined the list of establishments that has removed the one things I order from the menu. I …

Are You a Snacker? Listen Up!

DISCLAIMER: Snacking is not bad and it will not always hinder your progress. Some people believe that snacking is the devil and we should never encourage it. Then there are others who believe that we should actually eat a bunch of little meals throughout the day. If that works for you, amazing! But if you’re like me and are somewhere …

2 Most Important Questions for Your Success

As a nutrition coach and personal trainer, I’ve found that the 2 most important questions to ask when you want to lose or maintain your weight are:  Am I hungry? And How did today go? Ground breaking, right? No but seriously, these questions are extremely important! Am I hungry? might seem completely self explanatory, but it’s not quite as simple as …