You’re going to lose followers by being yourself. Don’t dwell on it. You’re going to lose followers by posting shit you’re passionate about. That’s how it goes.
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I know if I posted more of x and y I’d likely get more followers, BUT it’s important to me to put out content I believe in, am proud of, helps others, and is something I’m passionate about. I’ve lost several thousand followers over the last couple of months and I can honestly say it doesn’t stress me out. It use to. It definitely use to. But not anymore, and here’s why.
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Most people follow you on a whim after seeing 1 piece of content they like. If you decide to share other things and diversify, chances are, they won’t stick around. But this means that sooner than later, they were probably going to unfollow you anyway. If someone doesn’t bother engaging with you, is it really a loss when they unfollow you? Nah. Not everyone is going to like you, engage with your content or comment on your posts. Most people will watch in silence, and that’s okay! ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
Then why do I sometimes ask people to like or save things? There are two reasons. One, is that it let’s me know the kind of content to create and things to talk about. Two, IG caters your feed based on what you engage with. If you never like or save content from person A, Instagram figures you don’t want to see it and shows it to you less and less.
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I know a lot of people get disheartened trying to build a following but I’ve come to realize the size of your following doesn’t matter. It’s how you can impact the people that take the time to listen and read what you write and say. I’m definitely a captions person. I follow people not just for pretty pictures, but because of the words they write under those pictures.
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What do you think?