Cut my calories to 2500 for the first week of my cut. This 4 ½ day meal prep took 1h40m to do with bae chopping veggies for me ?. We could have been quicker but I really wanted cabbage…which simply meant I got ready to go to the movies while I waited for it to cook team always multitasking.
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M1: 5 egg whites, 1 egg
M2: #justgetfitovernightoats : Rolled oats, unsweetened almond milk, walnuts, cinnamon, frozen raspberries
M3: Protein shake, water, Greek yogurt, peanut butter, spinach
M3: 1 large grapefruit
M4: Grilled chicken breast, ½ a large cucumber, 1 bell pepper
M5: Ground chicken with sautéed onions + tomatoes, sautéed cabbage, brown rice + spinach (added at each meal)
M6: Canned tuna with tomatoes, brown rice, spinach, balsamic vinegar and olive oil (assembled at time of meal)
M7: Cheese + almonds/cashews
Water 4-6 litres depending on training.