Travel PANCAKES! under 250 calories per serving

I love pancakes! They are an easy but exciting way to spice up breakfast. But, when travelling I don’t like to spend money on things like flour, sugars, baking soda, baking powder etc. So..this is my recipe for easy peasy pancakes! Prep Time: 3 minutes Cook Time: 10-15 minutes Yields: 2 servings or 4 large pancakes Macros per serving: 25C/8.5F/16P Calories per serving: 230 Ingredients: …

Macro Calculation Tutorial (YouTube)

The following example is the same example included at the end of the YouTube video below: 1. Jane calculates her BMR using an online BMR calculator ( and is told her BMR is 1530. This means that even if Jane lays in bed and does nothing all day, she still burns 1530 calories. 2. Now, Jane has to account for …

How I started my fitness journey + thoughts on BBG

Real talk about how I started my fitness journey back in 2015. I talk about my first BBG attempt that failed and how I completed several rounds. I also share my honest thoughts and experiences using the guide and what I liked and disliked. Feel free to e-mail me with any questions! justgetfitcontact @

Whole Foods List

While I don’t like to call these foods “clean” because that encourages the notion of clean vs dirty foods. There are food that you should eat more of, and food that you should eat less of. I like to include mostly whole foods like below in my diet. Below is a basic list I’ve put together of carbs/fats/proteins that I …

What is IIFYM (if it fits your macros)?

I’m a flexible dieter! IIFYM (if it fits your macros) AKA flexible dieting has become a popular way to eat. Most of the time pictures involve epic looking burgers, pizza and donuts. This often gives the misconception that flexible dieting is about eating as many treats as possible as long as you drink enough protein shakes. This isn’t the case! …

What are macros? Do you need to count calories and macros?

What exactly are macros? This video goes over the basics of what macros are and answers the following questions: What is the calorie breakdown of each macro? Why you should count macros. What is the difference between counting calories and macros? Do you need to count both calories and macros? Learn to calculate your macros using my guide:

Figuring Out What to Prep to Hit Your Macros

A lot of people ask me how I decide what to cook to hit my macros. I wish there was an easy peasy answer. The truth is, when I first began counting macros it took a lot of trial and error. Below is what I found worked best. If you don’t know what your macros are yet check out this post. …