Started my 5 week mini cut at 2500 calories ?. Why?
I hadn’t tracked my calories for over 8 months and knew I was eating a significant amount of food ??????, but wasn’t sure how much. Cutting back to 2500 was a bit of a shock to my system ? cue me messaging @katiecrewe to tell her I took a pregnancy test bc I was so hungry on day 2 ?. No big news guys, I’m just a girl with a bigggg appetite! Anyhoo, the food below is 2500 calories and is for one day. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
?M1: 5 egg whites, 1 egg + brown rice
?M2: #justgetfitovernightoats: Rolled oats, unsweetened almond milk, walnuts, cinnamon, frozen raspberries + protein shake: whey blended with water, Greek yogurt, powdered peanut butter, spinach (not pictured)
?M3: smoked salmon with tomatoes, spinach, balsamic vinegar and olive oil (assembled at time of meal) I rotated between tuna, salmon and trout throughout the week.
?M4: Ground chicken with sautéed onions + tomatoes, sautéed cabbage, brown rice + spinach (added at each meal) ?M5: 1 large grapefruit + Grana padano cheese + almonds/cashews
?M6: Grilled chicken breast, ½ a large cucumber, 1 bell pepper
Water 4-5 litres depending on training
This week I’m eating 2200 calories and no hunger issues. Only 3 weeks left on my mini-cut ?.