What does it take to see change?

Progress can be measured in oh so many ways. For some, its the shifting number on a scale, the way your clothes fit you, the endurance you build, the weight you lift or how you eat. Most importantly, progress should be a change in how you love your body. Progress certainly doesn’t come over night. It’s something that’s earned through …

Hitt Workout or Warm Up

This little workout can be a great warm up by doing each exercise for 45 seconds (max reps, no counting) with 15 seconds of rest in between. Or do this 4 times for a quick HITT workout. 1. broad jumps with quick step backs 2. jump lunges with straight arms 3. burpees (pause and pulse once in squat) 4. skaters …

Home Tabata Workout

This full body tabata workout will keep you burning calories all day long! Do 8 rounds of 8 exercises. 20 seconds hard (as many as you can, no counting reps) , 10 seconds rest.. 8x. It works out to be just under 35 minutes but 10 minutes of that is the 10 seconds of rest between sets. You can download …

FAQs about Meal Prepping

Why meal Prep? I work too hard in the gym to let what I put in my mouth do anything but help me meet my fitness goals. Having a busy schedule like many people means that cooking daily is not only undesirable but often impossible. If I get home and I’m hungry, I will literally eat whatever is the most …

Best Sites for Meal Ideas

These are some of my favourite sites to get recipes or simply inspiration for my cooking. Click on any of the links below for inspiration! Kayla Itsines Skinny Taste Rachael DeVaux Bodybuilding.com Recipes Fit Men Cook Fit Girls Guide Eat Yourself Skinny Hungry Girl Clean Eating Mag

3 Exercises to Try with an Exercise Ball

A couple ball workouts that you can do at home or in the gym. Using the ball helps you engage your core! You can do these exercises on their own or work them into a larger routine. 3 sets of 12 squats 3 sets of 12 chest press 3 sets of 12 tricep extensions

Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower Rice is a great way to cut down on starchy carbs and also increase your intake of vegetables. I like to think of cauliflower rice as a wonderful canvas on which to add your own flavors, spices and sauces! Calories: Approximately 150 to 220 depending on the size of your cauliflower Prep time: 15 minutes (or more depending on …

200 Reps Back Workout

Find a weight that you can do 12 reps of each exercise. Then work till 50 reps taking short breaks when you need to. By the end, you would have completed 200 reps in total! 50 reps Reverse Grip pull downs 50 reps wide grip pull down 50 reps bent over rows 50 reps barbell curls

My Favorite Granola

To say my husband and I love granola would be an understatement. If it’s in the house, you’ll certainly find us eating it by the fistful! Unfortunately granola (without a lot of additives, sugar, etc) can be quite expensive. My granola recipe is super easy and you can easily make it sweeter (we don’t like it overly sweet), add more …