What Time Do I Eat?

A lot of you wanted to know how I currently space out my meals ?. I prefer to eat throughout the day as it gives me a steady source of energy, and allows me to train early in the morning without getting hungry before bed. *Oh, and I made a mistake it should say 12pm NOT am but I’m too lazy to fit it y’all ?. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
When I workout in the morning I don’t eat prior to training. I’m never hungry within the first hour of waking and forcing myself to eat never ends well ?. I prefer to sip on BCAAs and powdered greens/fruit throughout my workout so my stomach isn’t completely empty.
Want to know what’s in every meal? (on week 2 of my cut)

? 630 BCAAs + powdered greens by Botanica (superfruit flavor is my fav) for during my workout
? 830 5 egg whites, 1 egg and spinach +  #justgetfitovernightoats with cinnamon, unsweetened almond milk, walnuts and frozen raspberries
? 1100 ground chicken with brown rice, salsa, lettuce, tomatoes, jalapenos and lime
? 1200 grana padano cheese + cashews, hazelnuts and almonds
? 400 smoked salmon with brown rice, lettuce, tomatoes and olive oil and balsamic
? 600 Protein shake
? 830 1 grapefruit
? 830 pulled chicken with cucumbers and bell peppers
A couple other things:
?there are LOTS of different ways to space out your meals
?for some people one, two or three large meals will work better
?creating a smaller window through intermittent fasting can also be great
?it’s super important to space your meals in a way that works best for you. The only way to figure this out is to try different things.

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